

When you get your ISO certification, there are a number of certification bodies you can get from. Many people wrongly assume that a certification from a larger certification body has more value. However, this is a myth. The reality is that ISO certification bodies throughout Australia (in fact across the globe)  provide the same level of certification, though it’s important to choose the one for your own reasons.

Why is ISO so Important?

ISO, known as the International Organization of Standardization, is responsible for developing and publishing international standards. When you want to assure people that you have a safe and reliable product, the ISO certification provides the necessary assurance. Many customers look for the certification before they award the work.
When you choose ISO, you can actually use this as a strategic tool to reduce your costs because of minimizing errors and waste. You can ensure that you are using an international standard, and it will allow you access to new markets, including those overseas. The world as a whole is familiar with ISO certification and therefore you can get involved in fair global trade. Developing countries will often turn to the ISO to learn about new processes, such as managing animal welfare and improving sanitation.
ISO works within an array of sectors, including climate change, food, health and safety, energy and renewables, and much more.

How to Receive Certification

When you are ready to receive ISO certification, you need to choose a certification body, sometimes known as a conformity assessment body (CAB). To do this, you will want to look at a few different bodies in Australia to find out who they are and what they have to offer.
– Ensure that the body has a good reputation, see and understand   what existing customers say
– Check for accreditation. A lack of accreditation does not mean the company isn’t reputable, though it will provide insurance that the body is competent.
After you have gone through the ISO certification process, you will identify a product or system with the numbers, such as ISO 9001:2008 certified. Saying “ISO certified” is not a proper way of displaying your certificate.
ISO does not provide the certification directly, which is another common myth about getting certified. It must come from a third party CAB.
Choosing the Right CAB
ISO recommends that you go through International Accreditation Forum (IAF) in order to find a CAB. The IAF is the world association for CABs in the field of products, services, and an array of management systems. You will have the ability to search for a CAB within a specific country as well as to read more about them.
The IAF also provides news and publications to educate you more about ISO standards as well as current trends that may be taking place across the industry. This can be used to conduct research about a specific product or service prior to getting certification to ensure that conformity on the latest best practices are in place.
In the end, the only thing that is displayed once ISO certification is received is the ISO stamp with numbers on the product or service. No one ever sees the assessment body. This means that you can use the body of your choosing in order to receive the ISO certification. One body is no stronger than another. It doesn’t mean that you have a better ISO certification than another. You either receive the certification or you don’t. This allows you to choose the body you want to work with, regardless of where you are located.
With many third party certifications to choose from, some research should be done. Sustainable Certification has a great reputation amongst businesses in Australia who are seeking ISO certification on various products and services.