

Organizations that embrace process excellence, ISO and systems thinking tend to create innovative, fun, and productive organizational cultures. This is because quality assurance focuses on system optimization instead of blaming individuals for product, process or system deficiencies. Some of the top influences of ISO on workplace culture add value to job roles and corporate bottom-lines.

More Teamwork

Quality assurance leverages subject matter experts and teams to improve all aspects of an organization. This results in teams and process management becoming integral to an organization’s culture. Whether it is Kaizen events or quality audits centered on ISO standards, implementing quality requirements encourages more teamwork among employees. Breaking down silos between functional departments and stoking collaboration are direct byproducts of ISO initiatives.

Substantive Process Improvement

ISO and quality assurance drives substantive process improvement that has a lasting impact on organizational culture.  A systematic, disciplined approach to process enhancement teaches employees to tackle problems in a professional and effective manner that permeates through teams and functional departments. Employees are no longer willing to settle for marginal improvements, when they know what quality can do to products, processes and systems. A focus on system optimization has a transformative impact at all levels of an organization.

Lower Internal Failures
ISO leads to lower internal failures in products and systems that lead to less frustration among employees and managers. Higher efficiencies and levels of quality have positive impacts on morale and the way that teams view their efficacy. The net result being a more confident organization that thrives on low levels of internal defects and failures. These types of organizations are more profitable and successful places to work. This has a positive long-term impact on everyone involved with an organization.

Higher Job Satisfaction

As an employee, it feels good to produce a high-quality product or service and get recognition for it. These are realistic outcomes in an organization that embraces quality. High job satisfaction can lead to all sorts of positive results, including a friendly, happier place to work. Employees are nicer to one another and do not blame each other, when they adopt systems thinking. Going to work and enjoying what you do has a lot to do with your co-workers. Employees that enjoy their jobs are simply easier to gel with.

Less Non-Value Added Work

Organizations that follow ISO standards eliminate non-value added work and replace it with actions that benefit the customer or the business. The process of identifying non-value added work is an acquired skill, but once employees know how to spot it, it transforms the work they produce. An organizational culture that promotes the identification and removal of non-value added work is one that is efficient. Cultures that fail to promote efficient process and system development will lose profit margin over the long run.

Less Employee Turnover

ISO initiatives make work easier and more efficient for stakeholders throughout an organization. As a result, employees make fewer mistakes and get a chance to succeed in their roles. Fewer employees tend to change their jobs or quit because work is fun, meaningful and less frustrating. This is good for organizational culture and operational efficiency for multiple reasons. Employees with years of experience add more value to organizations, because they can leverage their experience and knowhow to improve efficiencies and customer experiences. Cultures that value and encourage employee longevity gain a competitive edge in the marketplace over both the short and long-term.
For additional information how to improve organizational culture thru implementing ISO, please contact us today. Quality assurance and process excellence tools have transformative powers and can take your company to the next level of success.

Feel Free to call Sustainable Certification on 1800024940