

Will Certification Beat Competition? Myth Or Fact?
Competition is fierce in any industry. It’s imperative to understand how to effectively beat your competition. Using third party certification audits will make it easier to identify and locate the various flaws in the system. However, will this be sufficient to consolidate your position against your competition? The consensus is that it’s not enough.

The Certifications Available
There are numerous certifications you can obtain that will help you to get an edge over your competition. This includes:

Whether you’re applying for certification internationally or locally in Australia, you need to review how third-party certification audits will identify and assist in closing the gaps within your system. For example, if you’re looking at achieving ISO 14001 certification, you will have audits that provide you with intel on such matters as your environment protection measures, wastage, efficiency, and much more.

Choose the Right Certification
With so many certifications available, you should choose the one that will best fit your company needs and objectives. It is a good idea to spend some time researching your competition. Find out what ISO certifications they have already obtained. if everyone in your industry has an ISO 9001 quality management systems certification, it’s going to be in your best interests to acquire a similar certification.  The consequence of the decision to not follow a similar footpath to your competitors will give them a distinct advantage. Listen to what the government says or your vendors.
The certification itself plays a major role in how consumers choose to do business with you. When you are in a B2B industry, many businesses will elect not to do business with you if you don’t have sufficient certification.
In some cases, multiple certifications provide benefit and can work in tandem depending on the industry you operate in for example in the construction industry, ISO 9001 and AS/NZS 4801 offer numerous benefits both in prevention of safety issues and improvement of overall customer satisfaction.  Through having a diligent selection of the right certification, it ensures that the management system will focus on business operations and that you are meeting and exceeding objectives. It will also ensure that you are delivering high quality and consistent results.

Busting the Myths
Knowing the myths that are out there regarding the certification and third-party audits will make it easier for you to obtain the truth. It will enable you to more simply schedule your audits with the right certification body. Additionally, it will allow you to focus on what’s needed for your company in order to take it to the next level.
The primary myth is that any certification will help you defeat your competition. The reality is you need to have the certification and regularly schedule your third-party audits to ensure that your methods for ensuring you are across all legislation matches industry best practice.
Another myth is that certification will automatically bring more business. You will need to advertise that you have been certified, which means including the information on your website as well as any printed material that you have for your company. Plus whole of your organisations must adopt the system with enthusiasm.
You will also hear companies talking about how there is no need to use a third-party accreditor for audits. While you could simply have a company come in and see you meet ISO or another certification in terms of qualifications, it’s going to be easier if you work with a reputable name within the world of certification. It will ensure you have the right process in place and that you are truly offering the highest quality and reputable services as advertised.
When you take the time to schedule your audits, it allows you to identify your flaws and provide a better experience to your customers. Make sure you demand the best from your auditors.
Learn more about third-party audits to help you beat your competition by contacting Sustainable Certification Pty Ltd today.
Feel Free to call Sustainable Certification on 1800024940